About Us

TALAKU Community Based Organization

About Talaku CBO

TALAKU is a registered Community Based Organization that was started in February 2012 for the prevention, management and treatment of TB. The idea to form TALAKU originated from Timpiyian Leseni from Olmeirroe in Kajiado East following an illness that made her make numerous hospital visits in the quest for treatment.

During one of these hospital visits to Nairobi Hospital she was diagnosed with TB of the stomach which is mainly caused by consumption of raw meat, raw blood and milk that is not boiled. Through her illness with TB she realized that many people who suffer in ignorance and even die of TB yet is a preventable and treatable condition. A personal health challenge inspired the inception of TALAKU. TALAKU has partnered with Malteser International, WHO and the Department for TB and Lung Diseases under the Ministry of Health to carry out TB prevention and management activities in Kajiado.

The organization comprises of 15 members and an array of affiliates and associates as well as likeminded partners. TALAKU is managed by a Board of Directors with seven members – Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary, Technical person who is the County Leprosy and Tuberculosis control and two members of the County Health Management Committee. The Secretary to the Board attends the meetings of project implementation committee to debrief the Board for guidance.

An independent oversight committee oversees the work of the implementing staff and projects in general. The organization also works with other affiliates, partners, government, development partners and volunteers for maximization of reach and impact and to achieve its goal.

Our Vision

A community free from TB and related diseases

Our Mission

Empower the community to fight TB and related diseases through social economic and environmental initiatives


An empowered and transformed community for the sustainable improvement in the lives of hard to reach communities and underserved populations that serves as a model for replication.


To sensitize the communities within Kajiado County on TB; its signs and symptoms, effects, prevention and control measures with specific objectives comprising of;

  • Increase the uptake of TB/HIV through awareness creation,
  • Reduce TB/HIV defaulters in liaison with Ministry of Health (MOH),
  • Initiate and support psychological support systems for TB/HIV partners,
  • Strengthen community health facility linkages and TB/HIV services.
  • Support the capacity and operations of the organization,
  • Conduct project M & E activities,


Our Activities

The activities involve sensitizing communities within Kajiado County on TB; its signs and symptoms, effects, prevention and control measures

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